WOW - I must say that I'm impressed and really turned on by the comments generated from this post!
In less than 6 hours we had 2 females and 1 male complete the challenge! So as promised here is your REWARD!
Our girl in her awesome yellow full leg cast standing on crutches.. Love how high the cast goes!!
Leg post cast. Notice the atrophy...
I think it is time to roll out a new "game" or "feature" on my blog. Depending on success we may do this more!
As a blogger - I love to put stuff out there, and get great excitement out of seeing my blog stats and knowing that literally hundreds or people read each of my blog posts. But I want more affirmation... I want people to talk back to me!! I love hearing from readers and want to hear from more!
So... I've got a new game that will require some reader participation in order for everyone to win! The basic premise is - I'll promise to post certain content, if I get a certain number of comments or emails or votes in a certain period of time. Simple right? You help me get my rocks off and I'll help you get your rocks off!! ;)
Reader Participation Game - Round 1
CHALLENGE: I want 3 comments from readers that describe:
1. Your sex,
2. approx age,
3. your answer to either of the 2 poll questions on the side bar; and
4. 1 naughty secret about you.
REWARD: If you guys remember the Real Women Real Broken Bones Episode 4 there was a super sexy college soccer player who was in a incredible yellow full leg cast. I have found 3 more pics of her that I will post if you meet the challenge. There is 1 more pic of her standing on crutches while in the full leg cast, a pic of her leg after the cast, and a pic of her bare feet.
As a refresher, here are the pics that I had previously posted.