Monday, August 22, 2005

Elizabeth Banks!!

I went and saw "40 year old virgin" this weekend. I felt like being brain dead, what can I say?

Anyway there was this scene in the movie where bath banks' character was masturbating in the bathtub with her shower head. She had her legs up on the sides of the tub and there were several shots of her curling her cute red polished toes in pleasure. This was the high point of the movie.

That turns me on incredibly the curl of toes in pleasure....


tom said...

Thanks for the heads up. I will wait for the DVD so I can replay that scene over and over.

tom said...

I thought of you the other day. I went to the baseball game and next to me was a girl in her very early 20s with gorgeous legs and her left lover leg in a cast. Her toes were beautiful and on her right foot shoe wore a fun yellow flip flop.

tom said...

She has a cast!!!

Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

i feel ya bro.
i had that as my wall paper a time