Monday, May 07, 2012

My Tumblr

I found myself browsing Tumblr more and more and seeing some great highly erotic images that I wanted to share. Saving them to my desktop and then uploading them here was cumbersome, and frankly I enjoy the ability to tag an image I see in another tumblr account as I am viewing it and am "in the moment".

So, I've opened up a tumblr called Dirty Naughty Thoughts.

This Tumblr will have very little cast fetish related content, most of it is general sex, pegging or foot fetish related and I don't really comment on it. I tag most of the images you see on my Tumblr while I am browsing other Tumblr blogs and usually these images either result in me masturbating or are a part of a longer "session" where I view multiple porn related blogs, websites and video and then end up masturbating. So in a way you get a glimpse into my erotic mind!

Please feel free to check it out, favorite it, reblog some images and indulge yourselves in the pics/videos as well!

I am still keep THIS blog very active and will use it for posts that I want to discuss further and all cast fetish related items.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your tumblr!!!!