Monday, February 11, 2008

Big Post...

I think that this may be one of my biggest/longest posts to date. I've found some great cast pictures and I've got a reader who submitted a pic of her feet for me to critique. Yes I said critique... I've been thinking to myself - that I always mention the best thing about a foot - but maybe I should mention some of the negatives about a particular pair of feet along with the positives. A real review.

Reader Submission
Ok, 1st up in the reader submission. Here are some of the things that I don't like about her feet; I don't like how the big toe is so much longer than all her other toes. Many men find the "stair step" look of the toes sexy - i don't. I also don't like the curvature of her toes. Especially the toes on her left foot. She also seems flat footed. However I'm not 100% sure of that. Ok enough negatives - onto the positives, and there are quite a few positives. Her big toe looks ultra suckable and almost juicy :). I love the light understated polish. For some wierd reason I like the little space between her big toe and the other toes. Perfect to stick my tounge in!
Cast Pictures
Now onto the cast pictures.
Up first is a brunette who is in a blue short leg cast. She seems to be holding it up. Love the red on her toes. It really pops. Although her big toe apears to be longer than her other toes, it isn't freakishly long like the girl above. Looks like the polish on her pinky toe has worn off :(
Next up is a tanned hottie. I wonder what her tan lines will be like when the cast comes off! I love the contrast between her tanned skin and her brightly colored toes and the hot pink short leg cast. TOEtally suckable...
Onto a pale looking chick with a blue short leg cast on that looks fairly new. How can I tell? Well there still seems to be swelling in the toes, and the white stockinette that is exposed around her toes is still there. I would suspect that it would have been torn off if the cast was more than a few days old. Looks like a homemade toe nail paint job but heck this girl has just recently suffered a horrible injury!
Next we have a olive skinned brunette in a hot pink short leg cast with her toes painted a deep red. It is sad how her 4th and 5th toes are covered up by the cast. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for the girl not to be able to wiggle all her toes! I'm curious as to how she injured herself. Anyone notice the scab on her other knee? I wonder if that is from the injury, or if she fell again trying to manuever around on crutches... Although only 3 of her toes are sticking out I would still go to town sucking them... :)


Anonymous said...

No comments yet!!?? Just found you from "Let's talk about sex baby" and will check back in here again for sure......
BTW..The blonde from 1-23-08 is pretty damn hot...

Anonymous said...

I like the feet of the girl without a cast very much except for a couple of things. I like the longer big toe but her big toes look too big (wide and fat) compared to her other toes. The other complaint I have is that they drop down in length too much. In other words, I like them to be straighter across than these.