Friday, October 19, 2012

Reader Participation Game Round 5!

Great job crew! Makes me very happy to see the response! 6 women, 4 men.

I have posted the responses to your naughty questions in the comments section. I really do encourage you all to email me - I do have some items that would interest each of you individually.

Now for the reward!

Fresh cast post surgery to replair 3 breaks in her lower leg/ankle.

Picture to show the difference in color in her casted and uncasted toes. 

At least she is having fun with it!

Almost 6 weeks into her time in the full leg cast a fun pose while she supports herself on crutches. 

 And now the cast is gone, replaced by the dreaded "boot". Pic shows the atrophy in her casted leg.

I know you all have been eagerly sitting on the edge of you seat for the next installment of the reader participation game. Well today is your lucky day!!

CHALLENGE: I want 9 comments from readers that answer:
1. Your sex, 
2. approx age,
3. What kink/fetish, that I blog about, do you prefer?
4.. Ask me 1 naughty question that I have to give a true answer to. 


REWARD: If you successfully complete this challenge you will be treated to 4 pics of a 18 year old female college freshmen who suffered 3 breaks to her lower leg and ankle while playing volleyball. As a result of the breaks she had to have surgery. The pics I will post are: 1. of her post surgery in a immaculate white full leg cast in her hospital bed, 2. A close up of her pink full leg cast, 3. a closeup picture of both her feet 1 in a pink cast and 1 without; and 4. a full body shot of her in her pink full leg cast and crutches posing in an interesting way. 

As extra enticement: here is her tweet just after her injury: Landed on my ankle wrong at vball. about to puke and cry. This pain is excruciating!

Ready? GO!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Handjob + Prostate Stimulation

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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Real Women Real Broken Bones Episode 35

The long anticipated return of Real Women Real Broken Bones!

Our current subject broke her tibia in a surfing accident when a wave toppled her and slammed her leg against the shore...

First the xray... you can clearly see the break in the Tibia.

about a week after the break she gets an in home pedicure....

About 10 days after the break she has surgery to fix the tibia and is placed in a pristine full leg cast!