I'm sorry that I have been MIA this summer. No excuses, just me being deliquent!
I've got some pics that I have come across over the last 6 weeks that I'm posting below - sort of "cleaning out my closet"
I know my biggest fan will apreciate this pic! As you can tell she broke her foot.

Love this full leg cast!

What a sexy set of toes sticking out from this fres short leg cast that looks to have a toeplate!

The cast makes this woman very attractive. Witout the cast not so much!

Love the pink polish. My favorite. And also a toeplate.

If I came across a stripper with a short leg cast... I would probably A. reach the max on my atm card B. lose it in my pants!

And these are just an example of perfect toes in my opinion. Athletic, well pedicured, excellent shape. Just perfect.