I've had a poll up on the sidebar for the last few months that asked woman how they groom their pubic hair, what method they use and then asking guys what style they prefer to see in a partner.
First to review:
The options were:
Full Bush - All Natural!

Trimmed & Neat

Bare, Bald, Hairless

Great example of a waxed pussy... clean, smooth delicious.

Here are the results:
Of the 50 woman who voted:
8% or 4 women said they go "Full Bush All Natural"
24% or 12 women said they are "Trimmed and Neat"
64% or 32 women said that they "Bare, Bald or Hairless"
Of the 68 men that voted:
11% or 8 said they prefer a "Full Bush" !
17% or 12 people said they prefer their lady to be "Neat & Trimmed"
Overwhelming winner with 70% of the vote or 48 people said they like em' Bald!
Also as for the preferred grooming method of women:
Wax = 34%
Shave/Razor = 31%
I Don't = 10%
Scissors = 7%
Laser = 7%
Electric Trimmer = 5%
Hair Removal Cream = 2%
Hope everyone found that educational! If you are a woman and you voted in the poll I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter... Please comment! Men are welcome too!